Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Shutter Island Cover Art...

One of my Favourite films this year (so far) was Shutter Island. I have quite a few ideas for this one so i'm taking my time with it.

Work In Progress

The girl drawn here was taken from a photo of Megan Fox and altered slightly, i really liked the pose, it speaks of coldness and vulnerability. So i chose to situate her isolated on a beach, grey clouds and unsettled sea I feel helps convey this.
(Pen, Ink & Screentone 2009)

'Bathing In Her Thoughts'

Work In Progress!!! currently working on this one hope to have it finished within the next week.
(Aerosol, Pen & Ink & Watercolour 2010)



This was my first ever painting using Oils!!
Besides Film, I have always loved Hip-Hop music, this piece was really a bit of an experiment for me. I had never used the medium before and just wanted to see what i could do with it. I have always since a young age had a love for anything intricate and detailed, and this has always been reflected in my work.
As far as composition, I had absolutely no sketches or pre concieved ideas of how this one was going to turn out, so i kind of made it up as i went along. However for 'those in the know' all the landmarks and people relate, so i'm guessing subconciously it must have been in my head somewhere..... regardless i'm actually quite proud of my "first try".

(Oil & Mixed Media 2003)

Movie Characters

(Phillip Seymour Hoffman)
Taken from the 2008 Charlie Kaufman film 'Synecdoche New York'.
Caden's wife in the film, Adele Lack (Played by Catherine Keener) is an artist. Who specializes in painting miniature portraits, so i thought it would be a great idea to approach this portrait in the same way!!! the picture's dimensions are 3" x 5", all i can say is Very straining on the Eyes!!!
(Watercolour 2009)